Mom's Corner: A Letter to my love... I See You!

Dear Ralph,

We have built a beautiful life together, a beautiful family and a home filled with love. At times we get caught up with the hustle and bustle of our busy schedules for work and kids, and we tend to forget about each other. Just the little things like "How was your day?", "I appreciate all you do...", and "I love you..." we tend to forget that means so much.

I want you to know, I see you! I know you love me just as much as I love you if not more. You are a great father and husband, but we forget to acknowledge our pitaval roles we play in our lives, our children and within our family as often as we should. I see you, I see your commitment to our family, to our children and to me. And I appreciate it beyond words, you understand my passions, my dreams and provide me with the honesty I need to keep me grounded.

You are my best friend, you are the first person I share best day, worst day and all that falls in between. We started this journey 8 years ago and I look forward to a lifetime of memories with you. I love you! Happy Father's Day!


Mom's Corner: Making New Friends


Mom's Corner: Where does the time go?